SADS UK – Preventing the Unimaginable


This month, our Vision Fund recipient is the cardiac charity SADS UK,  chosen by our Office Admin Louise.

SADS UK aims to save lives, providing information, funding research and medical equipment to prevent premature sudden cardiac death. Working in the areas of Research, Prevention and Emergency Care lives have been saved as a direct result of the work of SADS UK.

The charity supports individuals and families affected by cardiac arrest, cardiac conditions or a sudden cardiac death.  They also work with major Heart Hospitals around the country, providing funding for projects that deepen the understanding of cardiac arrhythmia and genetic conditions.

On a grassroots level, SADS UK installs defibrillators widely in the community (Community Public Access Defibrillators – CPADs), placing them in a cabinet so that they are available to the public any time of day or night.defibrillator cabinet

Louise says, “I chose SADS UK as they are a small charity that really needs more exposure.  They are working hard to research the causes, and figure out exactly why sudden cardiac death happens. This will hopefully lead to a breakthrough in the future.  They also offer important support to families coping with loss.”

Vistamatic and BGB are proud to support this cause financially, and in addition have recently sent members of the staff to defibrilator training.  For more information on getting defibrilators in the local community, click here.

2023-07-21T13:06:21+01:00July 21st, 2023|
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