Environmental/ Sustainability Policy.

Transforming Business Operations for a More Sustainable Future


Introduction and Purpose
BetweenGlassBlinds knows that small businesses can have a surprisingly big impact on the environment and that that we have a responsibility above and beyond the legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to minimizing the impact of our activities on the environment and we strive for best practice in all that we do.

At BGB, through this policy, we endeavour to:

  • Consider environmental concerns and impacts in key decision-making activities and take proactive steps to protect the environment and minimize effects.
  • Minimize waste and reduce, reuse, recycle as much as possible.
  • Continually improve and reduce our environmental impact.
  • Advance and promote the responsible and efficient consumption of energy and water through conservation programs both in and outside of the workplace.
  • Promote the responsible use of business travel to manage and minimize our carbon footprint
  • Develop and adopt a sustainable procurement program and supporting standards to apply across our supply chain.
  • Communicate our environmental commitments to our customers, clients, and employees.
  • Comply with all relevant regulatory requirements.
  • Regularly review our commitment to protect the environment and support sustainability.
  • Drive continuous improvement in our environmental performance by identifying key performance indicators and tracking our progress against objectives and targets.


Our Commitment
We care about our energy usage and carbon emissions
We are committed to tracking carbon dioxide emissions resulting from our energy usage and business travel activities and to implement a continual improvement program to reduce these emissions where possible. We seek to reduce our carbon footprint and we look to implement additional programs in our near future that align with our business strategy.

Travel and Transport

  • We promote a hybrid remote and in-office work schedule for our employees and provide collaboration tools to enable our employees to conduct meetings and projects virtually, reducing the need for travel to our offices daily.
  • We encourage car sharing or other group travel for multiple employees travelling to the same location.
  • We participate in the Bike to Work Scheme.
  • As we retire our current fleet, we will look into Greener Heavy Goods Vehicles for transport.
  • We optimise truckloads to reduce empty space, resulting in less journeys and reducing the environmental footprint.
  • We pursue a low supply transport emissions strategy– Our glass supplier is across the street, and we work with local suppliers for additional materials.

Energy & Water Consumption

  • We review energy and water suppliers and take into consideration the source.
  • We have installed BetweenGlassBlinds in all windows. Blinds stops direct sunlight from entering and heating the building.
  • We monitor energy usage and carry out audits.
  • We use data analytics. Through data analytics, you can pinpoint energy inefficiencies and identify target focus areas that need attention.
  • We control the office temperature and keep it at 25c Summer/18c winter.
  • We installed low-flow toilets to reduce water wastage.
  • We installed electronic taps which are designed with a low flow rate. These use half the water of a traditional tap and it’s estimated that we save 25,000 litres of water, the equivalent of 310 full baths.
  • We installed thermostatic faucets, which are more energy efficient.
  • When building our offices, we invested in high-quality insulation to cut down energy consumption.
  • We have looked into additional energy options and are installing solar panels before the end of 2022.
  • In the future, we will replace air conditioning systems with more efficient units.
  • We will look to change our water cooler to a R1234ze refrigerant cooler.
  • We installed Smart Lighting. Lighting controls that reduce or turn off the lighting when a space is not in use can reduce lighting energy use 90% or more. The light sensors are in the office, toilets, break rooms and kitchen areas.
  • All our computers monitor and audio-visual equipment are turned off during holidays and at weekends as opposed to being left on ‘standby’.


We seek to reduce waste and minimize consumption of natural resources
We strive to minimize our consumption of natural resources through procurement opportunities and operational conservation. We aim to reuse and recycle where opportunities exist, which may include managing waste such as e-waste and water where relevant to our business. We responsibly dispose of what we cannot recycle.

Waste Generation and Management

  • We provide recycling bins within our office and factory, so employees may easily dispose recyclables, such as bottles and aluminium cans.
  • We encourage our employees to use mugs, dishes, and cutlery rather than disposables.
  • We provided reusable water bottles for all staff, to discourage single use plastic cups and bottles.
  • We provide our cleaning service green products that are not damaging to the environment.
  • We use recycled paper and encourage our employees to go paperless where possible and print documents only if necessary.


We seek to source environmentally sustainable products and services
We understand the importance of incorporating a “green sourcing policy” which will benefit the environment and improve efficiency. To do so, we would consider purchasing materials, products and services that has a lesser or reduced negative effect or increased positive effect on human health and the environment, when compared with competing products that serve the same purpose.

Production Sustainability

  • We recycle all cardboard packaging. Over half of the cardboard collected is used to make new cardboard boxes, and additional cardboard can be downcycled into paperboard (used for cereal boxes) or chipboard (used for shoeboxes). Making 1 ton of virgin cardboard requires 3 tons of trees. Recycling 1 ton of cardboard eliminates 9 cubic yards of landfill space.
  • We recycle all broken and leftover glass from the production line. That glass is recycled into new flat glass.
  • We are currently focused on cleaner material sourcing. We are looking at partnering with companies to redesign packaging using recyclable or biodegradable materials. We also choose to purchase materials from suppliers who source their materials using environmentally responsible methods.
  • We look for certification when possible, and avoid engaging with suppliers that use banned products or materials.

Sustainable Sourcing

  • We strive to purchase products which do the least damage to the environment, and which have a positive impact on wider communities where practically and financially viable, such as:
    • Recycled content products (such as copier paper and writing pads)
    • Energy efficient products
    • Green cleaning products
  • We source locally where possible to reduce CO2 emissions associated with delivery.
  • We aim to support local independent businesses where possible in our purchasing.

External compliance with Environmental and Sustainability Policy
We expect our suppliers, vendors, partners, service providers, contractors, and consultants to conduct their operations in ways that are environmentally responsible and require compliance with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and standards in jurisdictions in which they operate.

Policy Revision
This Policy will be regularly reviewed to ensure its continued adequacy and relevance. It may be amended at any time.

For more information contact our offices on 020 8500 2200 or email marketing@betweenglassblinds.co.uk